
Domestika – Realistic 3D Portraits with ZBrush and KeyShot

Learn the fundamentals of creating lifelike 3D portraits and sculpt a detailed human face with ZBrush, KeyShot, and Photoshop
You no longer need to be a master of chisel and stone to sculpt, all it takes is digital software and a bit of imagination to be a modern-day Michelangelo. With the power of programs like ZBrush, you can create realistic 3D portraits that are practically indistinguishable from a photograph. The tiny details, textures, and imperfections confer virtual characters with authenticity, making them seem so lifelike you could almost touch them.

In this course, 3D character modeler Davide Sasselli, who specializes in realistic digital portraits, teaches you how to sculpt a detailed human face using ZBrush and KeyShot. Learn how to create an original character with a strong identity and tell their story through facial expressions and skin imperfections. Discover the potential of three dimensions and bring a one-of-a-kind digital portrait to life.

What will you learn in this online course?
24 lessons (5h 25m)
Audio: Italian
Sub: Italian, Spanish, English, Portuguese, German, French, Polish, Dutch
Level: Intermediate

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